

发布时间:2021-01-26   来源:网络整理    

Premium Beauty News-You purchased granado in 1994,as the historic brand was in need of modational.二十年后,它再次体现了巴西化妆品的活力与多个销售点,以及其全球发展的开端。


Christopher Freeman-Granado是巴西最古老的化妆品品牌。创始人的孙子格拉纳多先生在面临困难时卖掉了它。我们根据其与药剂师起源相关的美丽遗产对其进行了重新定位。十年前,第一家独资商店开业,现在全国共有62家。我们还通过在线和离线的sephora网络,在葡萄牙、法国和欧洲更广泛的一家概念店,我们的产品已经上市几周了。

Premium Beauty News-Is France Granado"s Other Favorite Country?

Sissi Freeman-it is,the brand has received a warm welcome there.五年前,我们来到法国,这要归功于BonMarch_百货公司。我们的产品很快就公之于众,这鼓励我们在波拿巴街开一家商店。我们一直在考虑在Marais季度开设第二个销售点的机会,我们实际上是5月25日至6月17日在巴黎de Janeiro弹出式商店的代表。我们还有一个电子商店。

Premium Beauty News-You are considering development in other countries or monoples?

Christopher Freeman-It is important to do this step by step.我们最近访问了Sephora网络,这一事实有助于我们在欧洲的230个销售点工作。我们打算在里斯本开一家独资商店,然后在英国或德国开,为什么不呢?

Premium Beauty News-Today,you are putting phebo forward by opening three stores in brazil by august.

Sissi Freeman-we wanted to give this brand more space,because it does not get as much as it worshorted in granado stores.Phebo是一个来自Bel_m的品牌,几代巴西人都知道它的肥皂和香水。它真正体现了巴西的特色,而这正是顾客在商店中所能看到的,现代的装饰以当地的材料和材料为重点,比如在色彩丰富的环境中使用木材和植物。这种体验不同于格拉纳多的制药文化。Phebo商店将重点介绍配料和定制。例如,顾客可以在商店里刻上他们的香水瓶。第一款香水Maria Phebo将于6月在里约热内卢的Leblon季度开业,然后另一款将于7月在库里提巴举行就职典礼,第三款将于8月在圣保罗举行。

Premium Beauty News-What has changed since the Puig Group Acquired Shares in the Company in 2016?

Christopher Freeman-the support puig provided is a precious help for us,with new technologies,in specific in the field of presermery.这也有助于我们加强投资。它是一个家庭团体,我们的工作精神是一样的。这是一个非常好的决定。

Premium Beauty News-Are all granado/phebo products made in brazil?

Christopher Freeman-we make most everything–formula,packaging,and finished products-in our brand new plant located one hour from rio,and for which we have just invested 150_million reais.只有化妆品和特定包装是外包的。

Premium Beauty News-How is the market doing given the economic and political situation in brazil?

Christopher Freeman-The Cosmetics Market maintained itself during the crisis,and it started growing again in 2017.至于格拉纳多,我们总是做得比市场好得多。与2017年相比,我们第一季度的销售额增长了15%。但就目前而言,整体形势仍不明朗,应该保持到2019年。

