
指甲油 根据IL化妆品制作以及明天的趋势

发布时间:2020-12-14   来源:网络整理    


指甲油 根据IL化妆品制作以及明天的趋势

Jean-Fran_ois harpes-like any other market,it is also a cyclic market that undergoes increasing and decreasing phases.从我们的内部预测/市场趋势分析中,我们知道如何量化每个周期之间的时间间隔,并确定消费者在指甲油周期的每个阶段都在寻找的不同产品类型。


Premium Beauty News-so you believe that this current period of decline,will so接下来是急剧上升?

Jean-Fran_ois harpes-absolute,confirmed signs of interest in colors and special effects are already on the market,and this rise advances the beginning of a recovery of the nail polish market.我们正进入一个新周期的增长阶段,这是由市场上一波引领潮流的品牌推动的。

it should be noted that,traditional,trend setter brands used to come from USA.Now,there is a shift in the market and trend setter brands are coming from Europe,which is driven new trends.今天,IL化妆品公司正在与他们每个人合作。

It is clearly that we strong believe in the market&;s recovery,and that is why we are investment to expanding our conditioning capacity.今年年底,我们的产能将达到3.5亿台/年,到2018年6月底达到5亿台/年。

Premium Beauty News-You are putting your in optimate conditions to have the best industrial and technical assets to meet market demand by help trend setters to make the right choices!

Jean-Fran_ois harpes-a lot of brands want to implement their in the market and slowly rise in to the trend setter category as well.然而,成为一个趋势制定者并不总是那么明显,而且有几个变量需要考虑和掌握才能在IT方面取得成功。



Premium Beauty News-Your strong point remays a excellent knowledge of the market and your capability to expective?高级美容新闻-Your strong point remays a excellent knowledge of the market and your cap

Jean-Fran_ois harpes-that&8217;s right!如今,全球20%到25%的指甲油是由化妆品公司生产的。我们将继续加强在指甲油市场的地位。换言之,我们已经准备好重新启动市场,我们可以感受到的第一个迹象。

Our deep understanding of the nail polish cycle gives us an expective advantage.这一点,再加上对研发的大力投资,使得未来市场趋势能够转化为独家产品开发、专利技术和创新,以满足消费者的需求。

